Apartamentos turísticos accesibles en Quintanilla de Rebollar, Burgos.
In addition to our fabulous apartments, we have several additional services to make your stay more pleasant.
Cleaning service
We really want that your stay is the most pleasant possible, that’s why we clean the apartments every 4 days (except for reservations under our promotional prices for long stays). According to the duration of your stay, we can adapt to your needs. Let’s talk about it!.
Accessories for children
Because we have children we understand what means to travel with them. We can anticipate to your needs with the crib, high chair, children bath and any other accessory that can make your stay more pleasant. You just have to tell us when you book your apartment and we will have everything ready before your arrival.
Food availability
Did you forgot to bring butter? Will you arrive late and with no food for dinner? Do you want a fresh drink but yours are still warm?. Do not worry, we have some basic food and drinks available.
Shopping service
If you need any additional foodstuff or whatever, you can always ask us about our shopping service. We can do this for you, so that when you arrive to the apartment you have everything to fully enjoy your stay. Ask us about this service!.
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